Monday, August 8, 2011

That's right...I learned how to cover books from Raven Symone

I am slowly getting more and more D&Ry ladies!  Be proud!

Canvas Dying

A few weeks ago, I turned this plain canvased wine bottle from west elm from white to offwhite with the help of a wash bucket, warm water, tape (since my bucket apparently wasn't big enough) some teabags.

From this:

To this!

Not to shabby if I say so myself!  Esp for me who usually prefers to pay for things instead of attempt to make them my own myself   :)

Speaking of canvas, I fell in loveeeeeee with the canvas wrapped books Restoration Hardware had set up all around the store a few months back...they weren't for sale (yes, I asked lol. Even if they were, I'm sure they'd be $48.50/book).  I thought to myself...I could make these!  FI took a liking to these little book ends from Z Gallerie...

and insisted that they have a spot on our multi shelf media center.  So it became my goal to cover some books.  Who did I turn to? Google.  And who taught me how to do it?  Yes that's right...Raven Symone.  You know, the little girl from The Cosby Show?  Found some random tutorial on how to make padded covered journals and went from there!

Canvas Covering

This was my original inspiration from Restoration Hardware.  I just think the look of the all similar books looks so...polished and neat.

What you'll need:
  • Books of different sizes/heights of your liking. (I sure hope nobody picks up my books, because I found the most random books I could get my hands on from my parents house!)
  • Canvas (we got ours at Joanne with a coupon)
  • Hot glue (I'm sure there are better glues, but coming from a DIY newbie, it is what I had ha)

1.  My girl Raven suggested cutting a 2" border around each side of the book.  I found that was waaaay too much material, so I stuck to between 1"-1.5", depending on how straight I cut :)


2.  Next, I cut two slits on each side of the binding on both ends of the book-top and bottom.

3.  Starting with the front cover, I then put a strip of hot glue on the top edge of the book and pressed the fabric down, then did the same for the bottom edge of the book and then did the same for the side edge as well.  Repeat on the back cover.

*TIP* I realized that after covering 3/6 of my books that I prob should have cut off the extra fabric so it wasn't so bunched up in the you live and still worked out ok :)

4.  I forgot to take a pic of this part, but I then just chopped off the flap at the binding pretty close to the edge of the book and kept pressure on them for a few hours to avoid the covers popping up

And the finished product(s)...along with one of the coolest books ever Post Secret!

Dresser Makeover

Last but not least, I finally painted my dresser!  Our master isn't huge and I wear scrubs on a daily basis (all hangable) and FI wears dress clothes and suits (again with the hanging)  so we both agreed that we didn't really want to buy an actual bedroom package since we didn't need the dresser space (plus, the nightstands and dressers that came with the frame we liked we not easy on the eyes.  yikes.)

Of course I forgot to take pics, but it looked something like this before...simple.

annnnnnnnnnd after a little sanding and a few coats of SW Nifty Turquoise, we were in business!

 I decided on turquoise because I wanted to paint our laundry room (er....laundry closet) this color and FI was worried it wouldn't exactly go with our theme on the main floor (it is off the kitchen)....I agreed, even though I'll ever admit that to him, and got turquoise out of my system by dresser fun.  We put it in our walk-in just for pjs and stuff like that and just have an ikea hemnes black brown in our actual room.

Picked up these cute little knobs from World Market for 2/$4.50 which was a pretty good deal!

Kept myself pretty busy these last couple weeks!