Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Closing...crown molding...furniture building...and everything inbetween.

 That's right ladies and gents...the keys are finally ours!

After nearly 7 months of waiting for construction to be complete, we finally own it!  YAY!!!!  We closed on Friday the 10th.  Went pretty smoothly, but of course, we got stuck with a new closer from our lender which resulted in a call to both of our employers where we've worked for over 3 years to verify employment.  My call went great ( I work in a small medical office)...but of course for J, he works in a pretty high profile department for a pretty high profile organization so asking the call board operator if he works there, wasn't cutting it.  An hour later, his department head was finally reached and all went well...phew! :)

DAY 1:

First thing we did was let the painter in and he started our bedrooms.  LOVE the color!  

Dovetail by SW
Finding a good gray was nearly impossible but I am really happy with how it came out!  (I'll add pics of each color as they go up and add to the paint color page.)  Built two of those cute little endtables turned nightstands from World Market  since I despised the ones that were part of our bedroom set, and called it a night!

DAY 2:

Attempted to do things around the house and ended up with all this instead.  

ALLLLLL the basics :
  • Lean Cuisines
  • Water
  • Diet Coke
  • Boxed Sangria
  • Beer
  • THE best fat free ranch dressing in the world
  • Box of coffee
  • Creamer for said box of coffee
Followed by a classy first dinner together in the new house of take out italian, on a tarp, on the floor with takeout plates, no knife and sharing of a fork since we only had one.  Perfect!

DAY 3 :

Passed out a key to the painter and a key to our friend doing our crown molding.  I needed to sleep past 6am!  Crown molding is finished and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! And after seeing all of the work he put in,  I know that if we would have attempted to do this on our own, we would have "crown mold..."  not "crown molding" because I would have last one wall and would have been DONE ha.


DAY 4:

Bathroom paint...I don't have a pic of my second bathroom, but meet Sassy Green by SW.

I am going to get some more pics of it, and I have def gotten a lot more used to it, but I think we are currently in a fight.  

Sassy Green - 

You surely didn't look so sassy on the color card, online, on the 1,000s of images I googled.  You are about 5 or 6 shades too sassy for me and not exactly the "spa like" master bath I dreamed of, but you are cheery if anything! I think I need to tone you down a bit.


Add more later, friends! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Well, hello blog world!

I've decided it is time to get my feet wet in the blogging world...this may or may not be because of thenest...

Bear with me...I haven't done this since Xanga was popular!...Now who remembers that?!

A little about me:

Have been with FI for the past nearly 5 years...we'll call him J throughout this!  We originally were looking at renting about 4 years ago.  My mom passed away very suddenly from an undetected Brain Aneurysm (spreading awareness saves lives!) and there was no way I was leaving my dad and younger brother.  FI (boyfriend at the time!) knew this, and picked up shop and moved into my childhood bedroom like a champ!  We've been there since Feb 2008 and while it has been great, it was getting a little old!

How we got the homeowners world:

We stalked Redfin for months just looking at cute houses we'd like to live in one day...took it a step further and went to a few open houses.

...then it got fast!
  1. Beginning of Sept 2010...Saw a new construction townhouse development posting.
  2. Emailed agent without telling J.
  3. Made appt to see another townhome similar to new construction.
  4. Informed J of my actions...(dealt with grief for not involving him.)
  5. Loved model - met with builders.
  6. Put down deposit on Sept 29th, 2010...Happy Birthday to me!

I'll post a bunch of the early pics when I get home from work tonight!